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作者:魔兽世界私服 日期:2022/11/9 15:29:16 参与人数:8 加入收藏 评论:0







 Keep your eyes on Thrall. He's wounded. He's like to kill himself down here and I don't want to be the one to tell his wife!

 Doomhammer... it was like a dead weight in my hands. The elements were silent. It has been this way since I used it to slay Garrosh.

 Spirits... hear my call...

 Are you the so-called "World Shaman?" Hah! You fight like a crippled pig.

 Hear me, elements of Azeroth.

 Once, we walked as one. I abused your powers for my own personal vendetta.

 Take back the Doomhammer! Grant it to one who is worthy.

 Teach me, and again I will be your servant.




 你就是那个叫做“世界萨"的人? 哈哈!真是不堪一击。







 We stand at the precipice of oblivion, but we do not stand alone. Come forward, shaman.

 Take your place among the circle, Farseer. The Earthen Ring is forged anew, and with it, we rekindle hope for this world.

 You are the chosen defender of Azeroth! May your wisdom guide this circle to victory, and may the power of your artifact crush those who would bring chaos to this land.

 The elements have chosen you as their champion, $n. The artifact you wield is proof.

 It is your destiny to lead the Earthen Ring against the Burning Legion. We need you. Do you accept this burden?

 Yes. I will be your Farseer!

 From this map you may dispatch members of the Earthen Ring throughout the Broken Isles. Lead us to victory, Farseer!

 This Astral Portal will return you to Dalaran whenever you wish, Farseer. I will keep it open so that you may return here any time.



 你是被选中的艾泽拉斯守护者! 希望你能用你的智慧带领大家走向胜利,希望神器的力量可以击碎一切给这个世界带来混乱持续的人。






    相关阅读:萨尔 毁灭之锤


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